In today's world technology plays a vital role. It shapes our lives and our individual, in a broader sense, shaping the world. Even though many may say that technology is no more than an aid to human existence, technology heavily contributes in to making us who we are. The media, internet and all other types of technology mould are views and perceptions, thus, influencing the choices we make in our life. Internet and computers are just a new and more advanced version of pencils and books, which once upon a time were viewed in the same way as internet is viewed today. Writing is fast becoming a frequent way of communication. As technology influences our lives more and more, and we spend more and more time on our desks and get less physical interaction, email and digital interactions are becoming more and more popular. The written interactions, even though devoid of facial expressions, can be more expressive and have more of an impact as they do not fade away like spoken words, but rather remain in front of your eyes. Also, written words provide clarity in statements made by individuals and instigate more of an objective interpretation as there is less likely for a context to the conversation to exist, which is usuall y present in face to face interactions. Another important factor that goes in favor of written interactions is that there is a record of conversation, where is in oral conversations words are mere events that occur and become part of of the past.
Mustafa--is this your new blog? are you going to migrate the first post from your other blog as well as the blogroll to this one?
also, look back at your post: do you think it approaches the questions and the reading specifically and concretely? it seems to me to be rather general; and it doesn't seem like you are strongly invested in the answer.
Yes this is my new blog. I have written about how communication has evolved..what do you think it lacks?
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